Basically, a cute girl with a flirtatious nickname is used to say "cool people with a free spirit bowl at Bowlmor." Also, in a subtle subtext, the name "Gutter Girl" suggests to lonely guys the prospect of a handy in the men's room.
Fair enough. I've been to Bowlmor, and I know the entire lure of the place is the trendy scene and fascinatingly overpriced booze. But at heart it's still a bowling alley. As such, one would hope that of all things they might fuck up in their ads, it wouldn't be HOW TO KEEP SCORE AT BOWLING.
Well, one would hope, but one would be terribly disappointed. I submit a closer look at the ad...

WTF? Did she actually knock down 12 pins in one frame? Either she's got mad skills or the person keeping score is borderline retarded. And if Gutter Girl is retarded, it certainly makes that hook-up in the john way creepier. Ew.
To continue...

Okay, so now I'm led to believe that 7 + 9 = 9. This one is a little more forgivable because the person is simply writing the score of that frame rather than the total. Forgivable for most, but not in an ad FOR A BOWLING ALLEY! Then again, if you're idea of an appealingly quirky nickname is "Bowling Stone," you're a crap weasel anyway. Unless of course, you're NBC journalist Stone Phillips, in which case, cool play on words.

So, if you remember nothing else from this post, allow me to sum up. Stone Phillips gets hand jobs from retards in the crapper.
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