Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Putting the "dumb" in "dumbfounded."

I know there are a million blogs and Internet postings dedicated to people who spell shit wrong, but when you see a wondrous sight like this on the lamppost immediately outside the door to your own building, it MUST be posted. I found this truly dumbfounding. Just, well...wow.

I tried to translate, but I'd need Indiana Jones and top secret decryption software to make a dent. Here's what I think is being said...

Reals = Reels
W.W.II Ideam = ????
Jewlery = Jewelry
ac air condistoner = air conditioner (making the letters "ac" redundant)
nic, nacs = knickknacks

They could have used this letter in A Clockwork Orange instead of ludovico. Hold someone's eyes open and make them read this. Instant mushbrain.

Monday, July 20, 2009

My humblest apologies.

11 days between posts is completely unacceptable. I apologize to all the people (person? torture victim? guy who reads all blogs for the CIA?) out there who read (stumble upon? are forcibly subjected to?) The Missing Link. To help make amends for posting so infrequently, here is a brand spanking new edition of Sublime Nonsense. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

When advertising can't help.

There just is no amount of silly music than can make some things interesting.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What I'd expect this Friday night will look like in heaven...

"I can tell you're bluffing. You always hold your breath when you...oh, yeah. Never mind."

(Then again, Michael in heaven is probably a stretch.)